Open Notepad and copy the below code and save as (locker .bat). At first time start it will create folder with Locker automatically for u. Don't forget to change your password in the code its shown the place where to type your password. After creation of Locker folder again click on the will ask. press Y then Locker folder will be disappeared. Again to get it click on locker.bat. And give your password u will get the folder again. cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Locker if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}" attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}"...
Linux shell tips and tricks Check if remote port is open with bash: echo > /dev/ tcp / 8.8 . 8.8 / 53 && echo "open" Suspend process: Ctrl + z Move process to foreground: fg Generate random hex number where n is number of characters: openssl rand - hex n Execute commands from a file in the current shell: source / home / user / file . name Substring for first 5 characters: $ { variable : 0 : 5 } SSH debug mode: ssh - vvv user@ip_address SSH with pem key: ssh user@ip_address - i key . pem Get complete directory listing to local directory with wget: wget - r -- no - parent -- reject "index.html*" http : //hostname/ -P /home/user/dirs Create multiple directories: mkdir - p / home / user /{ test , test1 , test2 } List processes tree with child processes: ps axwef Create war file: jar - cvf name . war file Test disk write speed: dd if = /dev/ zero of = /tmp/ output . img bs = 8k count = 256k conv = fdatasync ; ...
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